about Your Health Freedom

about Your Health Freedom

Hi I’m Susan

Having had an interest in nutrition for most of my adult life it became more personal when I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease at the beginning of 2018. This really brought home to me how detrimental it can be to your body when you are eating the wrong foods and drinking the wrong fluids. I had to take control of my eating habits and overhaul my diet. However what this meant in reality was that I went from a relatively healthy diet to eating absolutely anything with gluten free on the packet.

My Gluten Free Journey

So for 2 years I was eating cakes, biscuits, cookies, chocolate, crisps just because it had those magical words written on it. Then in September 2019 I was diagnosed with a borderline underactive thyroid, which was another blow especially as I also have Demyelinating Disease which I was diagnosed with in 2008. So at this point I have 2 auto immune diseases and a thyroid issue which could be linked to the auto immune diseases themselves. Yet through out this whole time not once was my diet mentioned by doctors or specialists, other than to go gluten free for Coeliac Disease.

My Health Coach Journey

My diet improved dramatically from March 2020 when we went into a lockdown and I started to learn to forage and really started to cut out refined sugar, junk food and alcohol. I felt much better for it and I had another test for my thyroid and my TSH levels had reduced down to sub clinical so I was advised I wouldn’t need Levothyroxine. My own health journey has led me to become qualified as a Naturopathic Health Coach as I have a passion to help people and realise there is a real need for individuals to empower themselves and take charge of their own health & needs.

What is a Health Coach?

A Health Coach helps people to gain the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to take responsibility of their diet and lifestyle, helping them to reach their health goals. I will help you identify your barriers and together we create a plan that suits you and I will motivate you to achieve and maintain your short or long term aims. I take a holistic view of a client’s life so together we can look at the overall picture and, as a team, take positive actions to improve those areas that need some attention. We look at healthier foods, relevant exercise, eradicating toxins and stress free routines.

A Health Coach’s role isn’t to tell somebody what to do but to help educate them to choose how they can improve their life. I support a person to be empowered and not feel their health is out of their control and something that ‘just happens to them’.

These are some of the things, and much more, I want to bring to your life. Learn to love your body and mind, and do the best for it and yourself.

Contact me to arrange a free 15 minute telephone call to discuss whether a Health Coach is for you

EMAIL: yourhealthfreedom@yahoo.com

Single coaching session

A single session where we look at your overall health, your goals and identify any barriers to achieving your aims. Together we devise a plan to work towards that goal, be it better health, more exercise or steps to a short or long term goal.

What’s Included:

90 Minute Consultation
Coaching Plan
Meal Recommendations, Individualised Recipes
Email Support over 4 Weeks



12 week programme

Do you want to awaken the new healthy you? Are you ready to make lifelong dietary and lifestyle changes so you are no longer on a rollercoaster of health high & lows? Together we work out an individualised plan to give you the tools you need to make permanent changes in all areas of your life, to be the healthy, happy you you’ve always wanted to be.

What’s included:

90 Minute Initial Consultation 3 x 45 Minute Consultations
Coaching Plan
Meal Recommendations, Individualised Recipes
Email Support throughout 12 week programme


Follow up sessions for clients who completed 12 weeks programme

Follow up sessions, pay as you go, for existing clients, if you feel there is more that you can work on to improve your health and wellbeing or achieving those  lifestyle goals. 

What’s Included:

45 Minute Consultation
Coaching Plan
Meal Recommendations, Individualised Recipes
Email Support over 4 Weeks


Location: Birmingham Holistic Centre in Kings Norton, B30 3NU

Online: Messenger, What’s App, Skype